Elective Home Education Hub
Elective home education is a term used to describe a choice by parents/carers to provide education for their children at home or in some other way they desire, instead of sending them to school full-time. There are no legal requirements for parents/carers educating a child at home to acquire specific qualifications for the task or to teach the National Curriculum by formal lessons.
Many families however, do wish at least to provide some academic subjects such as English and Maths along side a broad and ‘balanced’ experience in relation to their child’s ability, but do not have the expertise to do this all by themselves.
CAY EHEH offers a flexible solution where parents/carers can sign up for individual sessions for their children, which will be fully resourced and supervised by fully qualified and experienced teachers, overseen by the senior leader innovators.
Our home education courses
English & Maths
Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4
Initial baseline assessment
Individually tailored lessons with fully qualified teachers
All resources provided
Weekly homework tasks
Weekly goals to keep children engaged
SKILL sessions
Individually tailored bespoke subject and topic work
Weekly or termly projects
Art & Crafts, Humanities, Music
ASDAN key steps, short course, bronze, silver, gold award
All resources provided
Clubs @ the Hub
Home educated students can become isolated and struggle with forming peer friendships. Clubs@theHub have been created to address this with parents/carers and their children wanting a less formal session with the focus on socialisation.
Small Breaks - summer clubs
Summer holiday small breaks offer fantastic enrichment opportunities for young people aged 8-16, providing new experiences and the chance to try activities they might not have experienced before, such as arts & crafts, magic, drama, and board gaming.
Topics & subjects
Art & Craft
Film making
Teen Social
Coming soon....
Want to know more
Download our brochure for a comprehensive list of the all the courses, clubs and opportunities we offer, or simply get in touch for an informal chat.
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